, R/plotPie.R
Draw Pie Graphs based one or more data.frame columns
plotPie(object, ...)
# S4 method for class 'GRanges'
plotPie(object, scale_by = c("n", "width"), ...)
# S4 method for class 'DataFrame'
plotPie(object, ...)
# S4 method for class 'data.frame'
scale_factor = 1000,
width = 0.8,
total_geom = c("label", "text", "none"),
total_glue = "{comma(N)}",
total_colour = "black",
total_fill = "white",
total_alpha = 1,
total_size = 3,
min_p = 0.01,
max_p = 1,
cat_geom = c("label", "text", "none"),
cat_glue = "{.data[[fill]]}\n{comma(n, 1)}\n({percent(p, 0.1)})",
cat_colour = "black",
cat_fill = "white",
cat_size = 3,
cat_alpha = 1,
cat_adj = 0,
hole_width = 0,
An object (data.frame
Not used
Scale the counts by this column. In this case of a GRanges object this defaults to the count (scale_by = "n") but can also be specified as being width of each range (scale_by = "width"). If choosing width, width will be displayed in Kb
The category/column used to fill the slices of the pie charts
The second (optional) category/column to place along the x-axis
The final (optional) category/column to plce along the y-axis
When scaling by another column, such as width, totals will be divided by this value, with 1000 being the default to provide output in kb.
Scale the width of all pies
The geom_* to use for the totals at the centre of each pie. Setting this to 'none' will disable totals
glue syntax to use for the totals in the centre of each pie. The column 'N' will produce the totals and any other values or formatting may be added here.
Colour, fill, alpha and size for the main totals in the centre of each pie chart
The minimum proportion of the total required for adding labels. Effectively removes labels from pie charts with few members. Alternatively when only one column is specified, categories below this will not be shown around the edge of the plot
only display labels for segments representing less than this proportion of the total.
The geom_* to use for category labels corresponding to each slice of the pie. Setting this to 'none' will disable category labels
glue syntax to use for the category labels corresponding to each slice of the pie charts. The columns 'n' and 'p' can be used to print totals and proportions for each slice.
Colour, fill, size and alpha for category labels
Adjust category labels
Add a hole in the middle to turn the plot into a donut. Values between zero and 1 work best. Only implemented for pie charts using one value (i.e. fill)
A ggplot2 object able to be customised with colour scales and themes.
Also note that the $data element of the returned object will contain the
data.frame used for plotting. The additional column label_radians
represents the mid-point of each pie slice and can be used for manually
adding labels to each pie.
Only applies when plotting across the x
or y
Using a data.frame
as input, this function will draw pie graphs based
on one ore more columns, by simply counting the values in combination
across these columns.
One column must be selected for the fill as a bare minimum, with up to three
being possible.
Additional columns can be set for the x-axis to draw a series of pie-graphs
in a row, with a further column able to added to layout a series of pie
graphs in a grid
If only one column/category is chosen, category labels will be added around the edge of the plot
If show_total = TRUE
the overall counts for each pie graph will be added
in the centre using geom_label.
Parameters for these labels are customisable
df <- data.frame(
feature = sample(
c("Promoter", "Enhancer", "Intergenic"), 200, replace = TRUE
TF1 = sample(c("Up", "Down", "Unchanged"), 200, replace = TRUE),
TF2 = sample(c("Up", "Down", "Unchanged"), 200, replace = TRUE),
w = rexp(200)
plotPie(df, fill = "feature", total_glue = "N = {comma(N)}")
df, fill = "feature", scale_by = "w", total_geom = "none",
cat_glue = "{percent(p)}", cat_size = 5
plotPie(df, fill = "feature", x = "TF1")
df, fill = "feature", x = "TF1", y = "TF2", min_p = 0.02,
total_geom = "none", cat_glue = "{n} / {N}"
) +
scale_fill_viridis_d() +
## And using a GRanges object
gr <- ex_prom
mcols(gr) <- df[seq_along(gr),]
## Show values by counts
plotPie(gr, fill = "feature", total_size = 5)
## Show values scaled by width of each range as a donut plot
gr, fill = "feature", scale_by = "width", total_glue = "{round(N, 1)}kb",
cat_glue = "{percent(p, 0.1)}", cat_size = 4, total_size = 5, hole_width = 0.2