Plot Pairwise Values from a GRangeList by overlapping GRanges

  index = c(1, 2),
  p = 0,
  method = "union",
  ignore.strand = TRUE,
  min_width = 0,
  xside = c("boxplot", "density", "violin", "none"),
  yside = c("boxplot", "density", "violin", "none"),
  side_panel_width = c(0.3, 0.4),
  side_alpha = 1,
  xside_axis_pos = "right",
  yside_axis_label = scales::label_wrap(10),
  smooth = TRUE,
  rho_geom = c("text", "label", "none"),
  rho_col = "black",
  rho_size = 4,
  rho_pos = c(0.05, 0.95),
  rho_alpha = 1,
  label_geom = c("label_repel", "label", "text_repel", "text", "none"),
  label_width = 20,
  label_sep = "; ",
  label_size = 3.5,
  label_alpha = 0.7,
  min_d = 1,
  group_sep = " - ",
  simplify_equal = TRUE,
  name_sep = " ",
  plot_theme = theme_get(),



A GRangesList


The colunm to compare between list elements


Optional column to use for combining across elements and setting point colour


Optional column to use for labelling ranges with the most extreme changes


Which list elements to compare

p, method, ignore.strand, min_width

Passed to makeConsensus()

xside, yside

Will call geom_(x/y)side* from the package ggside and show additional panels on the top and right of the plot respectively


Set the relative widths of the side panels


Set fill transparency in side panels


Position for axis_labels in the top panel when using a discrete axis


Wrapping for axis labels on the right-side panel when using a discrete axis. Set to waiver() to turn off wrapping


logical(1). If TRUE a regression line will be drawn using geom_smooth. To add this manually, set to FALSE and call this geom with any custom parameters after creating the plot


Used to add correlation coefficients for the two values

rho_col, rho_size, rho_alpha

Parameters for displaying the correlation


Place the correlation coefficient within the plotting region


Used to add labels from the column specified in label


Label text will be truncated to this length


If multiple values (e.g. genes) are mapped to a range, separate values using this string

label_size, label_alpha

Passed to the geom used for adding labels


Labels will only be added if the points lie circle beyond a sircle of this radius


Text separator used to separate categories when specifying colour


logical(1) When combining columns from both elements for the colour categories, should shared values be annotated as 'Both ...' instead of having longer, more difficult to read annotations.


Character string to separate names of the GRangesList and the selected column. Will appear as axis-labels


Sets the initial theme by using the default theme for the current R session via get_theme()


Passed to geom_point() for the main panel


A ggside or ggplot2 object


This function enables pairwise plotting of two elements within a GRangesList. All elements of the GRangesList will contain the same columns, so a set of consensus ranges are first formed, before then taking all values from each GRangesList element which overlap the range and producing a piarwise plot.

Given that not all ranges will have values in both elements, side panels are produced which can show the distribution of plotted values, along with those which are only found in one of the foundational GRanges. These can take the form of density, violin or boxplots.

Addition columns, such as Differential Signal status can also be used to form pairwise groups and colour the points.

If a column in the GRangesList is suitable for labelling points, such as a column with genes mapped to each range, this can be specified using the argument label = "col_to_label". Only the furthest point from the origin will be labelled within each group used to colour the points. Labels will only be added if they lie beyond a circle of radius min_d from the origin. If multiple genes are mapped to the range, these will be separated by the string provided in the label_sep argument.

A regression line and correlation co-efficient are added to the plot by default, but can be hidden easily if preferred


gr1 <- GRanges(paste0("chr1:", seq(10, 150, by = 10)))
width(gr1) <- 5
gr1$logFC <- rnorm(length(gr1))
gr1$FDR <- rbeta(length(gr1), 1, 8)

gr2 <-  GRanges(paste0("chr1:", seq(51, 250, by = 15)))
width(gr2) <- 4
gr2$logFC <- rnorm(length(gr2))
gr2$FDR <- rbeta(length(gr2), 1, 8)
grl <- GRangesList(TF1 = gr1, TF2 = gr2)
grl <- addDiffStatus(grl)

# Using the defaults
plotPairwise(grl, var = "logFC")

# Density plots on the side panels
  grl, var = "logFC", xside = "density", yside = "density",
  side_alpha = 0.5

# Turning off side panels, regression line and correlations
  grl, var = "logFC", xside = "none", yside = "none",
  rho_geom = "none", smooth = FALSE

# Add colours using the status column
plotPairwise(grl, var = "logFC", colour = "status") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = rep_len(c("blue", "red", "white", "grey"), 8)) +
  guides(fill = "none")