Draw a plot from a GRangesList column using ggplot2
var = "width",
geom = c("boxplot", "violin", "point", "jitter"),
.id = "sample",
q = 0.1,
q_size = 3.5,
qline_type = 2,
qline_col = "blue",
total = "{comma(n)}",
total_geom = c("label", "text", "none"),
total_pos = c("median", "top", "bottom"),
total_size = 3.5,
total_alpha = 1,
total_adj = 0.025,
digits = 0
A GRangesList
The variable to plot. Either a column in the mcols element or width. Can be quoted or unquoted
Choose between different geoms, or even provide a geom_*() function
The column name to place the element names. Passed internally to the same argument in bind_rows
Optional data.frame with columns to be passed to the colour or
fill parameters. Must contain a column with the same name as the
value passed to the .id
Optional column names found in the df. Can be quoted or unquoted
The overall percentile to be drawn as a labelled, horizontal line. Set q = 0 to hide this line
Text size of percentile label
Linetype and colour arguments for the horizontal line showing the specified percentile(s)
Glue syntax for totals, representing the length of each GRangesList element
Passed to annotate. Set to none
to hide
Position for placing totals
Size and transparency of totals
Adjustment for labels
Passed to the geom if selecting via character string. Ignored otherwise
Number of decimal places for the horizontal line label
A ggplot object
Using a common column or the width of the ranges, produces a boxplot or
violinplot from each element of the provided GRangesList.
The names of the GRangesList will be passed to the x-axis using the .id
A data frame containing annotations corresponding to each element can be
supplied, ensuring that the column associated with each elements is the name
passed to the .id
If q is > 0, a horizontal line will be draw corresponding to this percentile across the complete dataset, with parameters for this line able to be set using the qline_* arguments. The digits argument controls how many decimal points will be shown for the associated label.
The total length of each element will be added by default as a total, and is able to be placed across the median values, or at the top and bottom extremes of the plot.
## Load some peaks
names(peaks) <- gsub("_peaks.+", "", names(peaks))
## The default boxplot
## A customised violin plot
df <- data.frame(sample = names(peaks), treat = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 3))
peaks, geom = "violin", total_pos = "bottom", total_adj = 0.05,
df = df, fill = "treat",
draw_quantiles = 0.5, trim = FALSE, width = 0.7, alpha = 0.7
) +
peaks, var = score, geom = "jitter", total_pos = "bottom", total_adj = 0.05,
df = df, colour = treat, width = 0.2, height = 0
peaks, geom = geom_boxplot(colour = "grey70"), df = df, fill = treat,
total_pos = "bottom", total_adj = 0.05,
) +