Plot a summary of alignments from a set of log files
Paths to one or more alignment log files
The aligner used. Can be one of star, bowtie, bowtie2 or hisat2
logical. If TRUE an interactive plot will be generated.
logical(1). Remove paths from the Filename column
Show alignments as percentages, with the alternative (FALSE) being the total number of reads If FALSE a ggplot object will be output
Used to pass additional attributes to theme() and between methods
Colours used to fill the bars. Passed to scale_fill_manual.
A ggplot2 object, or a plotly object
Loads a set of alignment log files and creates a default plot.
Implemented aligners are bowtie
, bowtie2
, Hisat2
f <- c("bowtie2PE.txt", "bowtie2SE.txt")
bowtie2Logs <- system.file("extdata", f, package = "ngsReports")
plotAlignmentSummary(bowtie2Logs, "bowtie2")