List available genomes or transcriptomes in a TheoreticalGC object
gcAvail(object, type)
# S4 method for class 'TheoreticalGC'
gcAvail(object, type)
A tibble
An object of class TheoreticalGC can hold the theoretical GC content for one
or more species, for either the genome or transriptome.
This function checks which species are available in the given object, for
either the genome or transcriptome, as supplied to the parameter type
gcAvail(gcTheoretical, "Genome")
#> # A tibble: 24 × 4
#> Name Group Source Version
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Alyrata Plants JGI V1.0
#> 2 Amellifera Animals UCSC apiMel2
#> 3 Athaliana Plants TAIR Arapot11
#> 4 Btaurus Animals UCSC bosTau8
#> 5 Celegans Animals UCSC ce11
#> 6 Cfamiliaris Animals UCSC canFam3
#> 7 Dmelanogaster Animals UCSC dm6
#> 8 Drerio Animals UCSC danRer10
#> 9 Ecoli Bacteria NCBI 2008/08/05
#> 10 Gaculeatus Other UCSC gasAcu1
#> # ℹ 14 more rows