Test positional bias for all motifs within a given cluster
- x
A Position Weight Matrix, universalmotif object or list thereof. Alternatively can be a single DataFrame or list of DataFrames as returned by getClusterMatches with
best_only = TRUE
- stringset
An XStringSet. Not required if matches are supplied as x
- binwidth
Width of bins across the range to group data into
- abs
Use absolute positions around zero to find symmetrical enrichment
- rc
logical(1) Also find matches using the reverse complement of each PWM
- min_score
The minimum score to return a match
- break_ties
Choose how to resolve matches with tied scores
- alt
Alternative hypothesis for the binomial test
- sort_by
Column to sort results by
- mc.cores
Passed to mclapply
- ...
Passed to matchPWM
A data.frame with columns start
, end
, centre
, width
, total_matches
, expected
, enrichment
, prop_total
, p
and consensus_motif
The total matches represent the total number of matches within the set of
sequences, whilst the number observed in the final region are also given,
along with the proportion of the total this represents.
Enrichment is simply the ratio of observed to expected based on the
expectation of the null hypothesis
The consensus motif across all matches is returned as a Position Frequency Matrix (PFM) using consensusMatrix.
This is a reimplementation of testMotifPos for sets of motifs which have been clustered for similarity. The positions test the bias of any motifs within the cluster given that overlapping matches are only counted once, and with the match retained being the one with the highest relative score.
It should also be noted that some motif clusters will contain PWMs of varying length. When finding positional bias, the widest motif is taken as the width for all, and any matches from narrower motifs outside of the range allowed by wider motifs are discarded. This reduction in signal will make a small difference in the outer bins, but is not considered to be problematic for the larger analysis.
## Load the example PWM
## Load the example sequences
## Cluster the motifs
cl <- list(A = ex_pfm[1], B = ex_pfm[2:3])
## Get the best match and use this data
matches <- getClusterMatches(cl, ar_er_seq, best_only = TRUE)
## Test for enrichment in any position
#> start end centre width total_matches matches_in_region expected enrichment
#> B -35 75 20 110 114 45 17.81250 2.526316
#> A -195 135 -30 330 22 22 9.03876 2.433962
#> prop_total p fdr consensus_motif
#> B 0.3947368 0.03553632 0.07107263 22, 30, ....
#> A 1.0000000 0.83704449 0.83704449 15, 0, 7....
## Or just pass the clustered matrices
## Here we've set abs = TRUE to test absolute distance from the centre
testClusterPos(cl, ar_er_seq, abs = TRUE, binwidth = 10)
#> start end centre width total_matches matches_in_region expected enrichment
#> B 10 20 15 10 114 17 5.937500 2.863158
#> A 0 140 70 140 22 16 7.979275 2.005195
#> prop_total p fdr consensus_motif
#> B 0.1491228 0.001779427 0.003558853 22, 30, ....
#> A 0.7272727 0.657021567 0.657021567 15, 0, 7....