An R Package for managing FastQC reports and other NGS related log files inside R. Except for some periodic minor bug fixes, this branch is the current release which is also available from the Bioconductor website.
To install required packages follow the instructions below.
A Graphical User Interface (Shiny App) has been developed for interactive inspection of many FastQC reports. The ngsReports shiny app can be installed here.
Please cite our paper:
author = {Ward, Christopher M and To, Thu-Hien and Pederson, Stephen M},
title = "{ngsReports: a Bioconductor package for managing FastQC reports and other NGS related log files}",
journal = {Bioinformatics},
year = {2019},
month = {12},
doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btz937},
url = {}